Sent to: Yahoo! Groups: DrumCircles: Message 54
Date: Thu Aug 16, 2K1 1:41 PM
"Drumming 'n Drugs" By Reverend R Clark
At 11:43 AM 8/15/01 -0700, Janet Planet wrote:
I try hard not to be judgemental about any decision anyone makes for themselves, I really believe it's not up to anyone to legislate or moralize another's personal behavior.
I feel the need to amplify Janet's remark above with the following homily. Particularly in light of my opinions that to some ones marijuana is a Sacrament, not a Drug and to still others it is a healing herb as both she and now others point up in their comments.
Concerning the Sacrament viewpoint, I cite the Nyahbinghi Meetings in Jamaica which are famous for massive consumption of "The Herb" (in spite of or perhaps because of this) the level of drumming I hear on recordings of the Rastafari bredren and sistren is superb.
ALL societies have historically had their "drug of choice" or Sacrament. In regards to alcohol (accepted drug of choice here in the USA?) drumming "under the influence" of more than a couple drinks is likely to produce what I like to call "ca-ca phoney" in my experience. However, other materials that ones might imbibe, such as those in the amphetamine group might very well Improve ones reaction time and cognitive abilities when under it's "influence" as evidenced by the routine use of such by aviators during WWII.
I also feel it important to point up that drumming, toning, bells, chanting, brain wave machines, meditation, fervent prayer, alterations of breathing, rituals, sex, spinning (how children and Sufi folks get high), primal screaming, voluntary silence, dancing, fasting, And the ingestion of certain materials can be employed to feel connected with Spirit and elicit grand feelings. This movement and desire for connection with the One and All is positive in nature and deserving of respect. However, addiction is not so positive as it is a moving away from the consequent low following tolerance leading to increased dosage. In these cases some of the material is needed so that a one may feel normal and even more is needed to feel good. This is a negative spiral, for true, one that hopefully could be reversed through drumming or other positive means!
Since both alcohol, amphetamines, and indeed all materials can be destructive and dangerous to the structure when taken immoderately, I would love to suggest alternative materials to those so inclined, namely the so called "smart drugs" or nootropics which would might reasonably promote "better living through chemistry." Although not safe for everyone some of these materials Build the structure promoting health and well being out of which drumming and other activities might naturally arise in an improved way. These would possibly include phenylalanine (some may be hypersensitive to this so please be informed and careful) and certain other amino acids, choline, inositol, and even the B complex vitamins to name a few. A quick search turns up this FAQ on the nootropics.
Different strokes for different folks, I reckon. We need to be respectful of each others chosen path, I feel, regardless of how divergent from our own. It is also important to remember that All of these materials have a therapeutic level that when exceeded can create more problems than they solve. For example, my Father, an entomologist (insect scientist) used to lampoon folks immoderate in their use of insecticide on crops and such by mockingly saying, Whell, if so much will do the job then twice as much should do the job twice as good. In other words, Enough is enough and Any more is unnecessary waste that is potentially harmful, isn't it? Too much Anything even something as innocuous as pure water and we can drown, ay?Related:
Drumming 'n Drugs
Drumming As A Form of Prayer by Jim PathFinder Ewing (Nvnehi Awatisgi)
Drumming Peace One Oh One
Drum Reiki
Drums: How they beat stress by By Ann Trieger Kurland
Finding Healing Music in the Heart by Corey Kilgannon
Healing, Drumming & Praying by Jim PathFinder Ewing (Nvnehi Awatisgi)
Melodic Instruments at Drum Circles
Shamanism: Drumming and/or Drugs
Voices at Drumcircles: Testimony and Theories
Men are not worried by things,
but by their ideas about things.
When we meet difficulties,
become anxious or troubled,
let us not blame others,
but rather ourselves, that is:
our idea about things.
- Epictetus (about 60 AD)It is very obvious that we are not influenced by "facts" but by our interpretation of the facts.
- Alfred AdlerMost people live, whether physically, intellectually or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. They make use of a very small portion of their possible consciousness, and of their soul's resources in general, much like a man who, out of his whole bodily organism, should get into a habit of using and moving only his little finger. Great emergencies and crises show us how much greater our vital resources are than we had supposed.
- William James (1842-1910) Psychologist and philosopherShi-Kin Hara-Mitsu Dai-Ko-Myo
A moment of true interaction between mind and spirit may lead to Enlightenment.
- Bujinkan Ninjutsu mottoThere is a pleasure sure, in being mad,
which none but madmen know.
- John Dryden, poet and dramatist (1631-1700)The essence of all religions is love, compassion, and tolerance. Kindness is my true religion. The clear proof of a person's love of God is if that person genuinely shows love to fellow human beings.
- His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso (1935 - )Literary and Graphical Freeware: Not for Commercial Use.
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