HEAL THy self
From The Big George Healing I Guide ![]()
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ][ R ]
[ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ X ][ Y ][ Z ]
"On The Experience of Illness"
I have pleasure in being ill . This pleasure differs with its effect from other pleasure. I have found a sort of tranquility that makes me love illness. The sick (wo)man is safe from peoples strife, demands, dates and appointments, excess of talking, and ringing of telephones. I have found that I am closer to abstract things in my sickness than in health. When I lay my head and close my eyes and lose myself to the world, I find myself flying like a bird over serene valleys and forests, wrapped in a gentle veil. I see myself close to those whom my heart has loved, calling and talking to them, but without anger and with the same feelings they feel and the same thoughts they think. They lay their hands now and then upon my forehead to bless me. (Kahlil Gibran: A Self-Portrait sp-p-34)
"A Merry Heart doeth good like a medicine." Prov. 17:22
The spirit is the master; imagination the tool, and the body the plastic material ...The power of the imagination is a great factor in medicine. It may produce diseases in man and in animals, and it may cure them ...Ills of the body may be cured by physical remedies or by the power of the spirit acting through the soul.
"Its the dose that makes the poison."
- Paracelsus, famous medieval alchemist. "The Father of Medicine""On Care Giving"
Endowed with five qualities, monks, is one who tends the sick fit to tend the sick; (s)he comes to be competent to provide the medicine; (s)he knows what is beneficial and what is not beneficial; (s)he takes avay what is not beneficial and brings forward what is beneficial; (s)he tends the sick (from) amity of mind, not in the hope of gain; (s)he does not become one who is loathe to remove excrement or urine or sweat or vomit; (s)he comes to be competent to gladden... delight the sick from time to time with DHAMMA-talk. Endowed with these five qualities, monks, is one who tends the sick fit to tend the sick. {Buddah}
Medicine Buddha Mantra (Tibetan)
om namo bhagawate beshajye guru
vaidurya prabha rajaya tathagataya
arhte sammyaksambuddhaya tadyatha
om bheshajye beshajye maha beshajye
beshajye rajaya samungate svaha
Medicine Buddha Mantra (Tibetan) in English
May all beings be auspicious! I make my prostration to you who destroyed the enemy of negative life cycle changes, who has thus gone to the state of enlightenment like other Buddhas, who perfectly accomplished the quality of the Buddha, the supreme physician who is fully liberated and awakened, the enlightened one, Medicine Buddha. Bedurya, King of the physiciansMedicine Buddha Mantra (Tibetan) Transliterated to English
- Om: Jewel holder, wish fulfilling one, auspicious one.
- Namo: prostration
- Bhagavate: The victorious conqueror
- Bekhaze (Vaishjaye): medicine Buddha
- Guru: spiritual master
- Beduryaprabharazaya: king of Aquamarine one
- Tathagataya: The one thus gone (the one medicine) gone to the state of the Buddha like other buddhas
- Arhate: foe destroyed (one who destroyed the enemy of cycle of birth, aging, sickness and death)
- Samyaksambuddhaya: perfectly accomplished enlightenment of Buddha
- Tayatha: like this
- Om: jewel holder, wish fulfilling one, auspicious one
- Bekhazebekhaze: two times calling the name of medicine Buddha
- Mahabekhaze: great or supreme physician
- Bekhazayerazaya: King of physicians
- Samungate: Perfectly liberated or awakened
- Svaha: being auspicious!
ACHOO: WorldWide Medical Site
Acupressure Institute > > > > > > > ACUPRESSURE<<<<<<<
Michael Reed Gach, Director
1533 Shattuck AVE.
Berkeley, CA; 94709
[phone-1.510.845.1059 or 1.800.442.2232]
> > > > > > > ACUPUNCTURE<<<<<<<
> > > > > > > T_C_M<<<<<<<
Acupuncture Home Page
Acupuncture Page Britian
American Acupuncture Council; [phone-1.800.838.0383]
( offers malpractice insurance )American Academy of Medical Acupuncture(AAMA)
5820 Wilshire BLVD. STE.#500
Los Angeles, CA; 90036
[phone- 1.800.521.AAMA or 1.213.937.5514]( accredits schools ) American Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
433 Front ST. (? 1424 16th ST. NW?)
Catasauqua, PA;18032 (? Washington, D.C.; 20036?)
[phone-1.510.266.1433] (? Foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine
505 Beach ST.
San Francisco, CA; 94133
[phone-1.415.776.0502]National Acupuncture Detoxification Association(NADA)
3320 North ST. N.W. Ste. #275
Washington, D.C.; 20007National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists (NCCA)
1424 16th ST. N.W.
Washington, D.C.; 20036
[phone-]Texas State Board of Acupuncture Examiners
Attn: Susie Tacchi
P.O.Box 149134
Austin, TX; 78714-9134
Alchemical Medicine Research and Teaching Association( AMRTA ) Natural Medicine, Complementary Health Care, and Alternative Therapies.
> > > > > > > ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE<<<<<<<
Alextech mailing list
There is an e-mail listserv called Alextech for discussing the Alexander Technique. To subscribe, visit the Alextech mailing list web page at http://www.life.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/alextech .About the Alexander Technique
A description of the Alexander Technique from NASTATA description of the Alexander Technique from the Alexander Technique Center of Washington, D.C.
John Dewey and the F. M. Alexander Technique
Ergonomics and the Alexander Technique
A description of Alexander Technique by Alexander Murray
British Double Reed Society - see the three articles:
Three Musicians Talk about the Alexander Technique
Three Musicians Continue their Discussion about the Alexander Technique
Three Musicians Conclude their Discussion about the Alexander Technique
Notes from Marjory Barlow's San Francisco workshop in April '95 by Bob Britton
About the Alexander Technique from Alexander Technique International
Alexander Technique Overview by teacher in Glasgow, Scotland.
Directory of Teachers
Alexander Technique USA Teachers Directory (AmSAT-certified)Alexander Technique societies:
Society of Teachers of Alexander Technique : the oldest regulatory body for the Alexander Technique. Including information on the Alexander Technique and a search page enabling you to find an Alexander teacher in your area.AmSAT, the American Society for the Alexander Technique (previously called NASTAT)
P.O.Box 517
Urbana, IL; 61801
[phone-1.800.473.0620]Alexander Technique: American Society for the Alexander Technique
AUSTAT, the Australian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique
CANSTAT, the Canadian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique
Alexander Technique Teachers of Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
GLAT (German Alexander Technique Society - Freiburg) via e-mail
Books and Publications
AmSAT BooksMornum Time Press Catalog from family-run press specializing in books on the Alexander Technique.
DIRECTION - A Journal on the Alexander Technique
The Use of the Self as a Book-on-Tape from Big Sur Tapes
Teachers & Teacher Training Courses with web pages
Alexander Technique Associates Greg Holdaway: Blue Mountains, Penrith and Sydney Richard Brennan Galway, Ireland Elizabeth Buonomo Tenafly, New Jersey and Manhattan Michelle Cole Holborn, Central London and in Stepney/Whitechapel in East London Jill Geiger Newton, Massachusetts Judith Grodowitz New York City & Greece Laura Harwood Cambridge, Massachusetts Lis Jakobsen Holte, Denmark Bruce Kodish Pasadena, California Alexander Technique Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Ontario Xavier Ortiz Barcelona, Spain Professional Association of Alexander Teachers England Frank Sheldon Seattle, Washington The Dimon School for the Alexander Technique Cambridge, Massachusetts Jon Skaranger Tim Soar Swansea Westminster Alexander Centre London, England Gooduse London, England Ken Thompson Essex School in Ilford, UK Jeffrey Haas Alice Pryor Austin, Texas Nora Nausbaum Berkeley and Grass Valley, CA. Michael Shellshear Rajal Cohen Steven Glassman Montreal, Quebec, Canada Hannah Goertz Cambridge, Massachusetts Duncan Coppock Inverness, Forres and Findhorn, Scotland Alexander Maunder London Zora Natanblut Yael Lavi-Shelach
Teacher of the Alexander Technique
4058 Howley ST.
Rear Apt.
Pittsburgh, PA; 15224
[ phone-1.412.688.8489 ]Additional Resouces (there may be some duplication)
Alexander Technique The Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique
Musicians and the AlexanderTechnique
AlexanderTechniqueHow can I find a teacher of the Alexander Technique ?
Alexander Technique Medical and Scientific Research and Endorsements
Alexander Technique- Annual Barstow/Alexander Summer Institute @ Doane College - Crete, Nebraska (near Lincoln, Omaha and Kansas City) The 27th Annual Barstow/Alexander Technique Summer Institute dates are June 16-24, 2000.The Alexander Technique For Children
What is the Alexander Technique?
The Alexander Technique New Jersey
Alexander Technique Personal Health Zone
ergonomics.org Relating the principles of ergonomics to the quality of posture and movement.
The Alexander Technique: An Innovative Approach to Reducing Physical Tension and Stress An article by Karen H. Siegal, Ph.D. from "Practical Psychology for Physicians."
Alexander Technique in London - Alexander Links
The Alexander Technique in NYC and Greece
Back Problems - Planet Rx Alternative care therapies include herbs, acupuncture, chiropractic, yoga, tai chi, and the Alexander Technique.
BEAT: Bio-Ergonomics / AlexanderTechnique The BEAT is a system of bio-mechanics that teaches people to put ergonomic principles into practice.
AlexanderTechnique Information on learning to heal back pain using the Alexander Technique to improve balance and posture.
AlexanderTechnique from Visionquest Video, home of Holistic and New Age Healing videos.
Sedona Center - Hands On Training
HomeArts Thousands of pages of information and articles on health, home, family, style, gardening, and cooking.
PAAT The Professional Association of Alexander Teachers
Westminster Alexander Centre Central London.
Alexander Technique- Natural Health Web.com
Alexander Technique Instruction
The Dancing Self - Conscious Direction in the Body in Performance using the Alexander Technique
The AlexanderTechnique Geelong, Australia
The effect of lessons in the Alexander technique on music performance in high and low stress situations Valentine, E.R., Fitzgerald D.F.F., Gorton, T.L., Hudson, J.A. and Symonds, E.R.C.
CWN - AlexanderTechnique in Coventry and Warwickshire, UK
Canadian Society Teachers Directory All members have met the CANSTAT requirements for certification and are fully qualified teachers of the Alexander Technique.
Alexander Technique : From fragmented to integrated, chaotic to harmonious,ineffectual to powerful. The Alexander Technique teaches you how.
The Alexander Technique is taught through a series of individual lessons.
Allied and Alternative Medicine ( AMED ) [ Commercial Database ]
ALTERNATIVE CARE HomePage & Index and [ What's New ]
[ OFFICE of INFOTECH @ University of North Carolina ] > > > > > > > ALTERNATIVE HEALTHCARE INFO<<<<<<<
[ SANTEL Luxembourg-net resoures ]
Altmed ftp site
The American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons
444 N. Northwest Highway, Ste. 150
Park Ridge, IL; 60068-3244
e-mail: ANTHROPOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Publishes Rudolf Steiner's work
Physician's Association for Anthroposophical Medicine
P.O.Box 66609
Portland, OH; 97290
Antidepressant Side-Effect RegistryOsteoarthritis and Sports
It seems that "reasonable activity" should not increase occurance.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
> > > > > > > AROMATHERAPY<<<<<<<
The American Aromatherapy Association
The Fragrance Foundation
145 East 32 ST.
New York, NY; 10016 Kule list of publicationsInternational Federation of Aromatherapists
4 Eastmearn RD.
West Dulwich, London SE21 8HA [ Membership lb/20 features kule newsletter ]National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy
219 Carl ST.
San Francisco, CA; 94117-3804
[phone-1.415.564.6785]NATURE'S GIFTS An overview of Aromatherapy (Bahai)
ARTHRITIS [ 1.800.283.7800 ]
> > > > > > > AYURVEDA<<<<<<<
Maharishi Ayurveda Association of America
P.O. Box 282
Fairfield, IA; 52556
[phone-1.515.472.8477]The RAJ (Maharishi in IA)
[phone-1.515.472.9580 or 1.800.248.9050 ]
The Ayurvedic Institute
P.O. Box 23445
Albuquerque, NM; 87192
Dr. Stephen Barrett transcript from the author of The Vitamin Pushers
Biofeedback Certification Institute of America
10200 West 44th AVE., Ste. 304
Wheat Ridge, CO; 80033
[phone-1.303.420.2902]BIOMEDICINE and HEAL ING IN the NEWS
> > > > > > > BIRTHING<<<<<<<
Cabrillo College Stroke Center
> > > > > > > CANCER<<<<<<<
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY [ phone-1.800.ACS.2345 ]
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
[phone- 1.800.234.0497 ]Holistic Health, Cancer Reference Center
[phone- 1.800.432.5255.ext.20A ] call 24\7, for recorded message .UNCONVENTIONAL CANCER TREATMENTS FROM U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment,
[OTA-H-405 Washinton, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, Sept./1990]
Center for Disease Control About Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
> > > > > > > CHIROPRACTIC<<<<<<<
American Chiropractic Association
1701 Clarendon BLVD.
Arlington, VA; 22209
[phone-1.703.276.8800 or 1.800.986.4636 ]International Chiropractors Association
1110 N. Glebe RD. Ste. 1000
Arlington, VA; 22201
[phone-1.703.528.5000]Harrison Hills Chiropractic
5237 Veterans Lane
Natrona Heights, PA; 15065
The Nuin Center
5655 Bryant ST. Highland Park, PA; 15206
[phone- 1.800.893.5000 ]
DRS.: Kathleen Hartford; Gordon Rixon; Stephen Nugent.
CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Information
CHORUS Collaborative Hypertext Resource
> > > Cranial Therapy<<<
Cranial Academy
3500 De Pauw BLVD., Ste. 1080
Indianapolis, Indiana; 46268
[phone-1.317.879.0713]Crisis, Grief and Healing /(Wo)Men
DATASTAR INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM ; Knight-Ridder Information ( commercial database )
> > > > > > > DENTISTRY<<<<<<<
DENTISTRY, Biological Environmental Dental Association 9974 Scripps Ranch Boulevard, Ste., 36 San Diego, California 92131 1-800-388-8124 or (619) 586-1208 The EDA provides a referral service for alternative dentists in your area. Call their toll-free number for a packet of free information.
Foundation for Toxic Free Dentistry P.O. Box 608010 Orlando, Florida 32860-8010 Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope for fifty-two cents and they will send you information and referrals.
ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE American Academy of Environmental Medicine P.O. Box 16106 Denver, Colorado 80216 (303) 22-9755
Falk Library @ University of Pittsburgh Current books on Alternative Medicine
The FAMILY PRACTICE HANDBOOK ( University of Iowa )
Food and Drug Administration [ FDA (login as BBS)]
Rockville, MD; 20857
Feldenkrais Method Web Page > > > > > > > FELDENKRAIS<<<<<<<
The Feldenkrais Guild
P.O.Box 489
Albany, OR; 97321
[phone- 1.800.775.2118 ]> > > FENG SHUI <<<
2059 35th AVE.
San Francisco, CA; 94116
[phone-1.415.753.6408]Flower Essence Society
P.O.Box 459
Nevada City, CA; 95959
Gerson Institute
P.O. Box 430
Bonita, CA; 91908
[phone-1.619.585.7600 or 1.800.838.2256 ]
[ e-mail ]GNN's Health & Medicine Resources
Academy for Guided Imagery
P.O.Box 2070
Mill Valley, CA; 94942
Dr. Halevi's Consultation Room for Alternative Medicine
HealingNet : Where you'll find Kathleen Milner author of Reiki and Other Rays of Touch Healing for ordering info SEE file: { Books }
The Health Action Network (HANS)
Healthcare Publications for Consumers
Health Expo Online
To exhibit your business [phone- 1.800.292.5031 ] Commercial site: Health products, services, Alternative health, Health foods, and Classifieds.Western PA Health and Fitness Magazine
Western PA Health & Fitness Inc.
816 Washington AVE.
Oakmont, PA; 15139
[phone/fax-1.412.828.0321]$15/yr. subscription FREE newstand. Health Information Resources - Toll Free Numbers for Medical Information
HealthLink Plus
This site from the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County (PLCMC), North Carolina aims to "facilitate access to consumer health information in an effort to develop and enhance public knowledge of important health and fitness issues."HEALTHnet PROJECTS
Health Education and wellness from COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY HEALTH SERVICE
Hellerwork International
406 Berry ST.
Mt. Shasta, CA; 96067
> > > > > > > HERBS<<<<<<<
Directory of Herbal Literature
American Botanical Council
P.O.Box 201660
Austin, TX; 78720
[phone-1.512.331.8868]American Herbalists Guild
P.O.Box 1683
Soquel, CA; 95073
[phone-1.408.464.2441]American Herb Association
Box 353
Rescue, CA; 95672
Publishes directory of American herb gardens for $5.00.HERBAL HALL also available as: FTP an overview covering: dosage and vehicle (ie: H2O, alcohol, acetic acid, glycerine, etc.) and Herbal Image Bank
1007 Pearl ST., Ste. 200
Boulder, CO; 80302
Herb Research Foundation
P.O.Box 2602
Longmont, CA; 80501EthnobotDB (database)
Kinabalu Ethnobotany Project(PEK)
Michael Moore's Homepage and his Southwest School of Botanical Medicine also available A Text of Herbal Medicine and another site listing his books.
Ozark Beneficial Plant Project
New Life Farm, Inc.
HCR, Box 3
Brixey, MO; 65618;University of Washington Medicinal Herb Garden
Alternative Treatments > > > > > > > HIV/AIDS<<<<<<<
Computerized AIDS Ministries Network ( CAM! )
HOT LINE [ phone-1.800.448.0440 ]
> > > > > > > HOLISTIC MEDICINE<<<<<<<
Editor of New Age Magazine [ e-mail ]
> > > > > > > HOMEOPATHY<<<<<<<
International Foundation for Homeopathy
2366 Eastlake Avenue East Ste., 301
Seattle, Washington 98102
(206) 324-8230National Center for Homeopathy
801 North Fairfax, Ste., 306
Alexandria, Virginia 22324
(703) 548-7790Homeopathic Internet Resource List
[ Homeopathic FAQ ]
National Center for Homeopathy
801 N. Fairfax ST. Ste. 306
Alexandria, VA; 22314
[phone-1.703.548.7790]International Foundation for Homeopathy
2366 Eastlake AVE. E. Ste. 325
Seattle, WA; 98102
> > > > > > > HOSPICE<<<<<<<
National Hospice Foundation
1901 North Moore ST., Suite 901
Arlington, VA; 22209
[phone- 1.800.658.8898 ]
Hotwired Health Channel/Alternative Medicine Clinic
> > > > > > > HYPNOTHERAPY<<<<<<<
> > > HypnosisTraining<<<@ Alchemy Institute of Healing Arts [ phone-1.800.960.4984 ]
American International University
Box 225-N
Canoga Park, CA; 91305 ( Correspondence courses )American Society of Clinical Hypnosis
2250 East Devon AVE., 336
Des Plaines, IL; 60018
[phone-1.708.297.3317]Clinical hypnotherapy program (video training) ; [phone- 1.800.642.9339 ]
4110 Edgeland-NAJ
Royal Oak, MI; 48073
[phone-1.810.549.5594]*Jack Elias
Institute for Therapeutic Learning
9322-21st AVE. NW
Seattle, WA; 98117
197 Glenwood RD.
DeLand, FL; 32720
[phone- 1.800.226.5346 ]
[ e-mail ]National Guild of Hypnotists
P.O.Box 308
Merrimack, NH; 03054
[phone-1.603.429.9438]- 'The Battle for Your Mind' by Dick Sutphen
Infinite Possibilities International INC.
Deepak Chopra
P.O. Box 1001
S. DelMar, CA; 92014INSTINCTOTHERAPY A new theoretical model of viral phenomena.
Interactive Body/mind Information System ( IBIS )
Internatiional Food Information Council
International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine ( ISSSEEM )-HomePage
356 Golden Circle
Golden, CO; 80403
International College of Applied Kinesiology USA
6405 Metcalf AVE. Suite 503
Shawnee Mission, KS; 66202-3929
[phone-1.913.384.5336]KRISPIN KOMMENTS on Nutrition and Health
> > > > > > > KUNDALINI<<<<<<<
Lauric acid derivatives L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L_L
LYME DISEASE Information Resource
> > > > > > > MASSAGE/BODYWORK<<<<<<<
American Massage Therapy Association
820 Davis ST. Ste. 100
Evanston, IL; 60201
[phone-1.708.864.0123]Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
28677 Buffalo Park RD.
Evergreen, CO; 80439-7347
[phone-1.303.674.8478]National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
[phone- 1.800.296.0664 ]International Foundation of Infant Massage
2350 Bowen RD.
Elma, NY; 14059
[phone- 1.800.248.5432 ]
MEDICAL MATRIX :Internet Clinical Medicine Resourses(Gopher)
Medical Matrix - A guide to Internet medical resources
Med Nexus - Medical WWW online service
Medical Virtual Library . From the WWW Virtual Library.
MEDSCAPE :Online patient care resources
OnLine Mendelian Inheritance in Man . A catalog of human genes and genetic disorders.
Men's Health(magazine)
33 E. Minor ST>
Emmaus, PA; 18098
[phone-1.610.967.5171] [ e-mail ]Customer Service
P.O. Box 7595
Red Oak IA; 51591-2595
[phone- 1.800.666.2303 ] [fax-1.712.623.5731] [ e-mail ] Subscription, ten issues: $21.94/yr.MIND & BODY Psychology, yoga, meditation, wellness, vegetarian, etc. sites.
Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation
825 South 8th ST. Ste. M24
Minneapolis, MN; 55404
[phone-612.337.7189]( altmed and use in substance abuse ) MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS [phone- 1.800.344.4867 ]
The Myelin Project
1747 Pennsylvania AVE. Suite 950
Washington, DC; 20006
[phone-1.202.452.8994 or 1.800.8MY.ELIN ]
Researches ALD (Lorenzo's Oil disease)N_N_N_N_N_N_N_N_N_N_N_N_N_N_N
National Alternative Health Referral Network
National Institutes of Health HomePage.
National Wellness Institute
1045 Clark ST. Suite 210
P.O. Box 827
Stevens Point, WI; 54481-0827
[phone-1.715.342.2969]Natural Health Magazine [ e-mail ]
> > > > > > > NATURAL MEDICINE<<<<<<<
Association of Natural Medicine Pharmacists
8369 Champs de Elysses
Forestville, CA; 95436
[phone-1.707.887.1351]Natural Medicine for the Health Crisis
NAtural PRoducts ALERT [ NAPRALERT ]
Access thru STN INTERNATIONALNatural Health Registry "The comprehensive network of qualified Natural Health professionals, products and services dedicated to better serve the global community in their quest for a healthy lifestyle."
> > > > > > > NATUROPATHY<<<<<<<
American Association of Naturopathic Physicians(ASNP)
2366 Eastlake AVE. E. Ste. 322
Seattle, WA; 98102
[phone-1.206.323.7610 or 1.206.323.8510]
General COUNCIL and REGISTER of Naturopaths in the United Kingdom
> > > > > > > NURSING<<<<<<<
> > > > > > > NUTRITION<<<<<<<
FOOD & WATER [phone- 1.800.EAT.SAFE ]
Indiana Soybean Development Council
The Journal of Optimal NUTRITION
Jennifer Ann Mueller, Managing Editor;
2252 Regis DR.
Davis, CA; 95616
Quarterly @ $75./yr.; $25./yr.-students.
OMEGA INSTITUTE For snail mail address SEE SPIRIT
> > > > > > > OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE<<<<<<<
American Academy of Osteopathy
3500 De Pauw BLVD., Ste., 1080
Indianapolis, Indiana; 46268
[phone-1.317.879.1881]American Osteopathic Association
142 E. Ontario ST.
Chicago, IL; 60611
[phone-1.312.280.5800]OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL WWW RESOURCE WEBSITE & Osteopathic Medicine . For those who believe that you can create your own remedies internally,a set of resources.
Oversensitivity to Electricity
PathTox Pathology Electronic Publications
Pharmaceutical Information Network
PharmWeb pharmacy information resources
Physician's Guide to the Internet
Institute for the PILATES Method [phone-1.505.988.1990]
Current Concepts; Has Video "Pilates Based Reformer Techinques [phone- 1.800.Pil.ates ] To contact instructor in your area call: Pilates Studio (N.Y.C.) [phone- 1.800.474.5283 ] or Perfectly Fit Center for the Pilates Method (San Marino, CA) [phone-1.818.799.7343]
> > > > > > > POLARITY THERAPY<<<<<<<
American Polarity Therapy Association
2888 Bluff ST. 149
Boulder, CO; 80301
Psychology and Support Groups Newsgroup Pointer
PSYCHE an interdisciplinary journal of research on consciousness
> > > > > > > RECOVERY<<<<<<<
Adult Children of Alcoholics(ACA)
P.O. Box 3216
Torrence, CA; 90505
[phone-1.213.534.1815]Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters
P.O. Box 862, Midtown Station
New York, NY; 10018-0862
[phone-1.212.302.7240 or 1.800.356.9996 ]
[phone-In NY: 1.800.245.4656 In Canada: 1.613.722.1830]Alcoholics Anonymous World Services
P.O. Box 459, Grand Central Station
New York, NY; 10163
[phone-1.212.686.1100] {TDD-1.212.686.5454}Debtors Anonymous
General Service Board
P.O. Box 20322
New York, NY; 10025-9992
[phone-1.212.642.8220]Incest Survivors Anonymous
P.O. Box 5613
Long Beach, CA; 90805-0613
[phone-1.213.428.5599]Narcotics Anonymous
P.O. Box 9999
Van Nuys, CA; 91409
[phone-1.818.780.3951]National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA)
31582 Coast HWY., Suite B
South Laguna, CA; 92677
[phone-1.714.499.3889]OverEaters Anonymous
World Service Office
P.O. Box 92870
Los Angeles, CA; 90009
[phone-1.213.542.8363]Parents Anonymous
6733 South Sepulveda BLVD.
Los Angeles, CA; 90045
[phone-1.213.410.9732 or 24/hrs. - 1.800.421.0353 ] For potentially abusive parents and abused children.THE PHOENIX Monthly recovery magazine.
alt.RECOVERY.codependency Newsgroup FAQ
Secular Organizations for Sobriety
Box 15781
North Hollywood, CA; 91615-5781NonSpiritual alternative to AA. Sue's Information Zone Adult Children of Alcoholics emphasis.
Survivors of Incest Anonymous
World Service Office
P.O. Box 21817
Baltimore, MD; 21222-6817
[24/hrs. phone-1.301.282.3400]
> > > > > > > REFLEXOLOGY<<<<<<<
International Institute of Reflexology
P.O.Box 12642
St. Petersberg, FL; 33733
> > > > > > > REIKI<<<<<<<
Reiki Flavors and other forms of Bio-Energetic Healing modalities.
American-International REIKI Association, INC.(AIRA)
2210 Wilshire BLVD. Ste 831
Santa Monica, CA; 90403Radiance Stress Management International Inc.
P.O.Box 86188
St.Petersberg, FL; 33738The Reiki Alliance
P.O.Box 41
Cataldo, ID; 83810
[phone-1.208.682.3535]> > > THERAPEUTIC TOUCH<<<
Nurse Healers Professional Associates
234 Fifth AVE., Suite 3399
New York, NY; 10001
> > > > > > > ROLFING<<<<<<<
Rolf Institute
205 Canyon BLVD.
Boulder, CO; 80302
Rosenthal Center for Alternative/Complementary Medicine @ Columbia University
The Rosicrucian Fellowship : Medical Astrology/ Astro-diagnosis & Invisible Helpers
Saint John Ambulance Australia-Victoria
Scientific Research in the Transcendental Meditation Program
Mark Richardson
16 Casco ST.
Portland, ME; 04101
[phone- 1.800.272.1098 ]The Share Guide Holistic Health magazine.
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America; [phone- 1.800.421.8453 ] 8:30am-5:00pm PT M-F.
The shea nut is a tree crop plant that grows in the Savanna Grassland on the West Coast of Africa. The tree grows to a height of about 55-60 feet. Shea Butter & Shea Butter Black Soap
Millions of shea nut fruits are harvested in the raining season within the months of May-August. The fruit is very delicious. The shea nut seeds are collected and usually sun dried.
At the end of the [rainy] season when the nuts are well cured and dried, they are threshed and picked to separate the white nuts from the yellow nuts. The grinding process is the most tedious [one] in the production system because the shea nut seed is as hard as a pebble. In West Africa, we do not have grinding machines. Big size wooden mortars are used to pound the nuts to powder.
The powdered shea nuts are boiled in extra large clay pots for 4 or 5 days. The effervescent [foam] is collected and this is the end product, 100% Natural Shea Butter.
Note that the shea nuts were separated during the threshing and picking process into [two grades] white and yellow shea nut seeds. These nuts although produced on the same branch during the [growing] season, have different characterisitics.
The white shea nut processed separately will produce white shea butter (off white color). The yellow nuts produce yellow shea butter (yellow color). If and when the producer does not take the time to separate the nuts before processing, the end product will not be [fit] shea butter. The butter produced from such a [inferior] process is very corrosive butter that can not be applied topically.
The corrosive shea butter, plus the shea nut shaft, the residue of the processed nuts, some cut branches and leaves of the shea nut tree at the time of harvest are put together and burnt to ashes. The ashes are gathered into large clay pots and boiled for 4-5 days.
Thick layers of foam, bubble to the top of the boiling liquid. It is carefully collected and left on a surface to solidify. This product is 100% Natural Shea Butter Black Soap.
This process of making black soap was developed in Africa by our forefathers and the technical know how is handed down from generation to generation. It has therefore become a tradition of the Land and a culture of the people which is embraced because it enhances good Health and a better life. Shea Butter and Shea Butter Black Soap have numerous uses and advantages.
Helps prevent ashy skin, chapping, chafing, rashes (such as psoriasis, eczema etc.). Burn marks, spots on the skin, scars (including old scars), stretch marks (including old stretch marks), and keloids will fade away. Wrinkles and aging soft skin tissue, firm up. Rejuvenation of the pores from normal to oily and blemished skin.Shea Butter Uses
Apply shea butter to the scalp to help forestall the weak hair from breaking, fading, or thinning out.
Use as a hair treatment and regular dressing oil. With shea butter on the scalp, there is absolutely no room for down drops or scalp sores to develop.
If you have arthritis ache, joint pains or muscular ache, massage shea butter into the area.
Shea Butter is used in the Pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries.
In Africa it is used in cooking daily foods.
Traditionally in African religion, shea butter is the oil and the food of the Orisha (Gods): Obatala, Songo, Olokun, and Orumila.
Shea Butter Black Soap has a deep cleaning effect.Shea Butter Black Soap
It is a very sharp soap and would not leave a film on the skin; it suds almost like a bubble bath.
Cleans the body deep into the pores to activate the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin.
The antiseptic effect of the soap prevents rashes, itch, dry and scaly skin from developing.
From an [edited] flyer for:
Aghieghia Singapore
333 West State Street #12N
Trenton, NJ 08618
Phone: 609-656-1963Here's another shorter flyer from:
Sundial Traditional Herbal Products International
3609 Boston Road
Bronx, NY 10469
Phone: 718-798-3962Shea Butter is made from the seeds of the Shea Butter Tree. it is traditionally used for cooking and flavoring foods instead of lard and other unnatural fats.
Shea Butter is mainly used externally to nourish, heal, and clear up the skin, used regularly it rids the skin of marks, wrinkles, blemishes, rashes, discolorations, softens hard knots, and smooths over rough skin. Warm Shea Butter massages into joints, and relieves muscle aches and pains. Shea Butter protects the skin in both hot and cold weather by providing a protective layer that prevents sunburn and cracking. Shea Butter is used as a salve to get rid of ringworm and other parasitic skin eruptions.
And to make this a true tour de force here are some valid URL's collected at the time of writing (4AUG99, revised and updated 20MAY2K6):
First off, here are links to pictures of the tree, its fruit and nut kernals and one of the leaves.
Here you may find a PDF fact sheet on the history and uses and simple page in HTML.
A French commercial site "Teco Finance Export" with extensive information on the fat obtained from the fruits of the Butyrospermum parkii Kotschy, Sapotaceae, tree including shelf-life and a CAUTION: Shea Butter can be a mild eye irritant, treatment flush with water for 15 minutes and see Physician if irritation continues.
A detailed and straightforward step by step process sheet for those interested in the making of Shea Butter, it seems all Shea Butters are not created equal, some are made with the more efficient method of extraction involving the use of the solvent hexane. The upshot of what they say, is that this method though cheaper produces a product that is inferior to the one from traditional labor intensive methods. There is also a third method of extraction, cold-pressing and this process is primarily done in France by big business and like the solvent method threatens the livelihood of West African women and their families.
Society for Scientific Exploration
STRESS & RELAXATION Really good compedium of psychological and health nutrition, etc. Materials on anxiety, relaxation etc.
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Synchronicity Foundation, Inc.
> > > > > > > TRAGER<<<<<<<
The Trager Institute
33 Millwood (or possibly 21 Locust AVE.)
Mill Valley, CA; 94941-2806
The Association for Humanistic Psychology
1772 Vallejo Street
San Francisco, CA; 94123
[phone-1.415.346.7929]Membership $59/yr. incl. newsletter AHP Perspective and discount on quarterly: Journal of Humanistic Psychology. The Association for Transpersonal Psychology
SAME ADDRESS AS BELOW [phone-1.415.327.2066]
Membership $65/yr. incl. quarterly ATP Newsletter and the biannual Journal of Transpersonal Psychology Institute for Transpersonal Psychology
P.O. Box 3049
Stanford, CA; 94309
[phone-1.415.327.0437]Common Boundry
7005 Florida ST.
Chevy Chase, MD; 20815
[phone-1.301.652.9495]$22/yr. bimonthly on interface between spirituality and psychology. The International Transpersonal Association
20 Sunnyside AVE., A-257
Mill Valley, CA; 94941
[phone-1.415.453.5860]Founded by Stanislav and Christina GROF hosts a cross-disciplinary conference anually. Transpersonal Psychology Charles T. Tart gopher site.
UNCAT - A catalog of uncatalogged titles!
> > > > > > > VETERINARY MEDICINE<<<<<<<
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
2214 Old Emmorton RD.
Bel Air, MD; 21015
The WHOLE CRITTER: Holistic Care for Animals
> > > > > > > > Watchdogs<<<<<<<
Food and Drug Administration
Rockville, MD; 20857
[phone-1.301.443.3170]U.S Postal Inspection Service
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[phone-]Federal Trade Commission (regarding false advertising)
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[phone-1.202.326.2222]Also you may check with your local Better Business Bureau .
When Seconds Count First aid online?
WORLD HEALTH NET From The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and the American Longevity Institute.
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International Association of Yoga Therapists
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Radix Notoginseng Rhizoma Curcumae
Cinnamomum Camphora Radi Angelicae Dahuricae
Moghania Philippinencis Rhizoma Polygoni Cuspidati
Mentholum Camphora
DESCRIPTIONZheng Gu Shui is a red-brown clear liquid with aromatic smell.
Research on pharmacodynamics shows that:
1. Observations on the histology of mice fracture and osteotylus show that Zheng Gu Shui can promote the curing of mice fracture when applied externally.
2. Zheng Gu Shui can promote the healing of rat fracture, which shows that it has the tendency to build up the resistance to fracture.
3. Zheng Gu Shui can obviously reduce the proportion of ecchymosis, which shows that it can promote the absorption of local ecchymoma.
4. Zheng Gu Shui has an action of expanding rabbit auricular blood vessel.
5. Zheng Gu Shui has an action of greatly improving petechia and edema caused by external injury to the foot.
6. Zheng Gu Shui has a certain inhibitory effect on mice auricle inflammation induced by croton oil.
7. Zheng Gu Shui has an obvious anti-inflammatory effect on mice toe inflammation induced by carrageenin.
8. Zheng Gu Shui can noticeably increase the threshold value of pain induced by acetic acid.
Research on toxicology shows that:
1. Acute toxicity test:
1) Reaction on undamaged skin: 10ml of the medicine, applied with gauze, were externally administered to ratĄ¯s unhaired dorsal skin with the area of 6 × 6cm2 within 24 hours. No death or abnormality was observed in terms of ratĄ¯s appetite, spirit or diachormea, nor was it observed 7 days after suspension of this medicine.
2) Reaction on damaged skin: 10ml of the medicine, applied with gauze, were externally administered within 24 hours to ratĄ¯s unhaired dorsal skin which was grazed by sandpaper until oozing of blood. Movements increasing, slow respiration, dyspnea, loss of appetite, even death were observed at different periods in large-dose, medium-dose and small-dose groups. Nevertheless, no pathological changes on organs were found. It is suggested that clinically damaged skin should avoid contact with Zheng Gu Shui.
2. Skin irritation test: Results showed that no irritation reaction was observed when undamaged skin was in contact with Zheng Gu Shui in a single dose, and that no obvious irritation was observed 14 days after continuous contact with Zheng Gu Shui. Back trembling, bleeding under crust and roughness of skin were observed when damaged skin made contact with Zheng Gu Shui in one or more than one dose, but no obvious erythema or edema were observed.
3. Allergic test: No allergic reaction was observed when Zheng Gu Shui was externally used on the undamaged skin.ACTIONS & COMPLAINTS
Action: Invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, relaxing and activating tendons, reducing swelling and easing pain. Complaints: traumatic injury, various fracture, dislocating of joints. It can dissipate fatigue before and after exercises.
Softly rub the affected area with cotton soaked with the tincture. In severe cases, apply the cotton to the affected area for one hour, 2-3 times a day.
ADVERSE REACTIONPruritus and rashes should appear occasionally.
STORAGETightly sealed and kept in a cool place
PRECAUTIONSDo not take this tincture orally. Do not rub on the wound. Stop
administration if pruritus or rashes appear during administration.
SPECIFICATIONS12ml, 30ml, 45ml, 60ml, 88ml or 100ml per bottle.
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-Voltaire, French Philosopher (1694-1778)Literary and Graphical Freeware: Not for Commercial Use.
Copyright (c) 1998-2011 R. Clark - clark@acceleration.net .
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