moon phases
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Baird Mansion, Gainesville, FL

Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2004 14:34:54 -0400
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More on Reiki Fear

The Shadow Knows By: Reverend R Clark <>

Greetings David and ALL!

At 11:58 AM 10/12/2004, David wrote:
<snipperino> so I gave her a Reiki healing session, almost immediately she "went under" a trance like state, started shaking and sweating, and writhing about and having very vivid bad dreams, visions, <snipperama>The poor lady is petrified now of any energy work, so she would appreciate some help on this as well.

“I feel as if I live in a haunted house.”
- Sam Keen in Hymns to an Unknown God
  • From what you say and what I intuit, it feels like energy work is a trigger to some previous traumatic event for her. I know it's tough and when in this fear state she is in the best position to discover from what skeleton in her closet she may learn how to dance. Here are some quotations that help me in terms of "shadow work."
“If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance.”
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

“Soulmaking means facing the shadow, the dark scary stuff hidden in old closets, the unbidden and forbidden dreams, the alien impulses.”
- Mike Grosso in Soulmaking

“The very things we wish to avoid, reject, and flee from turn out to be the "prima materia" from which all real growth comes.”
- Andrew Harvey (Dialogues with a Modern Mystic)

“Too many of us panic in the dark. We don't understand that it's a holy dark and that the idea is to surrender to it and journey through to real light.”
- Sue Monk Kidd quoted in Little Pieces of Light by Joyce Rupp

“Shadow owes its birth to light.”
- John Gay, poet and dramatist (1685-1732) “You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in.”
- Arlo Guthrie, folk musician and songwriter

“When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson, American essayist, poet and philosopher (1803-1882)

“Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?”
Jack Nicholson as The Joker in "Batman" Warner Bros., 1989

“To prevent contact with the entrapped spirits of darkness, you must practice loving all things unconditionally and seek to make contact with your Higher Self, your Soul. When you vibrate with the highest form of love, contact with your Soul is quite easy, for both of you are vibrating on a similar frequency.”
- Brad Steiger (The World Beyond Death)

“To battle a demon is to embrace it, to face it with clarity of vision and humility of the heart. To run from a demon is as effective as running from a rabid dog, for surely this only beckons the chase. Whatever we resist - persists. These demons, these parts of us that haunt us, torture us and reduce us, are the agents of change.... Without our demons we would grow spiritually flabby.”
- Stephanie Ericsson in Companion Through the Darkness

“Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus” Argue not with dragons, for thou art crunchy and go well with Brie <grin>.

“But if there are forces of light, don't they want to rid the universe of the forces of dark?” she asked? “Yes, of course they do and we have battled with the Dark Lords for aeons. But neither of us ever wins the war, because it's impossible to win. We are in a universe of duality. Within duality, one half of duality can never win. There is never a final, decisive battle, because just when you think the war is either lost or won, the pendulum swings back on the opposite direction. Fighting duality is like fighting with part of yourself, one hand hitting the other hand. It's frustrating and ultimately pointless.”
-Solara (EL*AN*RA, the Healing of Orion)

“The "motive" for purifying yourself - that you feel spiritually impure - will prevent any genuine gain until you learn to love the impurity you started with. Can any being seriously think that he is going to pass through the infinity of time without ever making another mistake? Quite often a flash of enlightenment will give you this message: Go back to where you started and learn to love it more.”
- Thaddeus Golas, "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment"

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