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Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2004 17:52:21 -0400
More Questions Answered

Reiki Intro Q&A   By: Reverend R Clark <>

Q: What is an attunement exactly ?
  • It is a sort of like a defibrillator for a physical heart that is not functioning at optimum. A jump start that gets the heart vibrating at a particular rate.
  • Experientially speaking, when receiving an attunement it is rather like the treatment process of Reiki, a warm, cuddly, safe feeling a lot like a return to the womb, relaxing tension and pain, sometimes colors and shapes appear behind my eyelids and I float. Also, there is this feeling of presence, a kind of atmospheric knowing that there are entities, the person or persons hovering around me as I lie on the table with my eyes closed placing their hands here and there, and more there is an increased awareness of other discorporate entities hovering about overseeing and supporting, and participating in the process.
  • Looking back over what I've just written, giving an attunement is very similar.

Q: Why does someone need an attunement if this energy is channeled from Spirit ?

  • Attunements Are Not Necessary.
  • However, like in the defibrillator analogy above they can be very powerful and useful. Channelling life force, Reiki or the host of other names for Bio-energy is something that ALL living things do. I've heard life called "reverse entropy" and we might simply call it Love. Beyond channelling life force for themselves and some ones are surely more vibrant and full of life than others, ALL possess to a greater or lesser extent a talent or native ability to channel for others.
  • We don't Need anyone between us and source and I find that the easiest way to learn most Anything physical is to be at someone's elbow when they perform a given task. Witnessing, modeling and matching their body language and other aspects of how the approach what they do, enables me to shortcut a Lot of trial and error. They've worked out the most efficient way for them and usually it is transferable to some large degree as we are more alike than we are different.
  • You often hear quoted that “when two or more are gathered...” well that is taken out of context, and there does seem to be an additive increase at least when several people focus on me at the Reiki shares, if not a synergistic effect, there being more than the sum of the parts.
  • There are many folks that have gotten distant attunements from Grass Roots Reiki (GRR) and like minded folks, and claim to have Reiki thereby. Elsewhere, I see programs for self-attunement. If that works for them, fine, and it is not how I came by it. Free attunements, I could give them and I don't because I feel that Reiki practice has value and that in order for people to value it, it needs to have value placed upon it. Clearly, my time and presence and the depth of my study and the ability to teach it are tangible and an exchange of energies is desirable.

Q: I need an objective opinion. [IRT Kathleen Milner]

  • Do you, really? I could tell you what I think or intuit, and what is more important is where the rubber meets the road. What is your subjective opinion? Please listen to your heart, the answer to your question is inside you, truly. If you are having reservations, perhaps the answer is no or wait.
  • Decisions are not easy for me, I am getting better at this, and Pisces folks commonly have this challenge, gaining a clear vision of how to proceed. However, once we do make a decision Voom we act and can usually outwork ten Virgos on diet pills until the goal is reached. The really big decisions are pretty clear and often one way or path seems just as valid as another, especially menu choices in a restaurant.

Q: Please look at this web site if you have time: I've a recommendation to study with her and want your give on Kathleen Milner.

  • 'K... Seems kinda interesting, on this page she speaks of inferior kinds of attunements that open the healing channel without connecting to source...
"One of these initiations opens the individual's healing channels but does not connect the individual with Universal Healing Energy. The result being that the individual takes on board the pains and diseases of the healee."
  • ...that this is even possible is a revelation and I do know that if we don't check in with source when channeling then our personal energy is used... the proof is in how I feel during and following giving a treatment, when done correctly I am feeling better than before I started. Makes me wonder why she does not name the flavor, to warn people off if this is so dangerous.

Q: What do you think of someone asking that someone not ever get attunements with other systems?

  • Dogmatic, and most likely right for themselves and they need to keep such advice to themselves.

Q: Do you think that there is any truth to the idea that energy doesn't mix well?

  • No, and it is just what I think, all the energies have the same source in my mind and experience.

Q: Is it true that the "real" healing takes place with some practitioners and not with others?

  • The "real" healing takes place with the recipient <grin>.
“You can't solve problems for someone
whose problem is that they don't want problems solved.”
- Richard Bach, "One"

Q: What is the different healing "ability" between practitioners and why is there a difference?

  • All things being equal, things are seldom equal. I notice that some are better than others and I've always found that the ones that were best were the most humble. Ego driven healers are not a "hollow reed" for channeling the energy, they have an agenda and get in the way of the transmission.
Q: I truly would like to get some answers but it seems that the Reiki field is so political that people are at odds with each and these are not exactly delicate questions?
  • Hmm. Egocentric competition has little place in healing, and in our culture having a position and seeking to vie for a higher position relative to others is competed for routinely. Gaining attention, $, respect, and other such perks often encourage self-aggrandizing behaviors in folks of all disciplines and walks of life.
“If you want to help others with their growth, work on your own.
If you want to work on your own growth, help others with theirs.”
- Walter D. Pullen on talk.religion.newage

Appreciate your time. No rush.

  • Thank you. I like everyone, have all the time there is, twenty-four hours everyday, budgeting is where it gets fun.
Q: The site is titled: "Tera Mai - Where the REAL Healings are Happening" Is this a fear-based tactic in your mind to plant doubt that other people are not doing real healings?
  • More positioning, posturing, posing, poop <giggle>. More power to 'em, I pray for their success, they're spreading Reiki, sacred duty that and I would like it better if it weren't so hard edge and devisive, true.
Q: I've been checking into the upcoming event, Saturday, September 18, 2004, where LightWorkers around the globe are invited to join together to take part in a scientific experiment. So this begs the question, "Can our thoughts and feelings affect matter?"
  • Sure. “Mind over Matter, If you don't mind it don't matter.” is more than a joke it is a profound statement about reality. In other words:
“Each person has a unique way of finding enlightenment, so don't put them down just because you don't think they are right. Remember, if you Mind, it will matter. If you DON'T MIND, it won't matter. Simple as that.. ”
- Yohan (Deore) on alt.astrology.
  • Feelings I increasingly feel are the only Reality.
Q: Are we really a connected or are we separate individuals ?
  • Sure.
Q: Is there really a universal energy that ties all things together ?
  • Sure.
I hope this Helps!
One Love, R

What other people who agree with me think on these subjects

“It is important not to judge others for their pleasures of the flesh. What you deny to others will be denied to you, for the plain reason that you are always legislating for yourself, all your words and actions define the world you want to live in. One of the necessary laws for our relations as equal beings is this: What you say, goes - but only for you and those who agree with you. If you say a man should not receive help undeservedly, it may not affect his life much, but it will hold for you: you will not get undeserved help. If you say other people's sexual preferences are vulgar, it won't change their experiences, but your pleasures will become vulgar. It is precisely your unlimited power to control your experience that hangs you up. How much compassion and forgiveness do you want for yourself? Give it to others. Go to the extreme: forgive all beings for their karmic debts to you. Grant to others the freedom, the love, the consciousness that you want for yourself.”
- Thaddeus Golas in "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment"

“There is nothing to seek and nothing to find. You're already enlightened, and all the words in the world won't give you what you already have. The wise seeker, therefore, is concerned with one thing only: to become aware of what he already is, of the True Self within.”
- Zen maxim

“In becoming grace, you start from a place of emptiness. When you empty of expectations, you open to the wonders that happen in moments and nanoseconds of revelation. With God's grace active in you, nothing can go wrong. Every thought, word, and action, when joined with grace, will be formless and serve goodness.”
- Shoni Labowitz, "Miraculous Living"

“Go beyond reason to love - it is safe. It is the only safety. Love all you can, and when you are ready all will be shown to you. The state of mind that most needs enlightenment is the one that sees human beings as *needing* to be guided or enlightened. The sin that most needs to be loved and forgiven is the state of mind that sees human beings as sinners.”
- Thaddeus Golas in "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment"

“Don't look for meaning in the words. Listen to the silences.”
- Samuel Beckett, "Forty Days of Solitude," Doris Grumbach

“When the Jew, the Christian, the Moslem, the Hindu and the Buddhist open themselves in prayer, in meditation, to the transcendent mystery, going beyond the word, beyond thought, simply opening themselves to the light, to the truth, to reality, then the meeting takes place. That is where humanity will be united. Only through transcendence can we find unity.”
- Bede Griffiths, "The Other Half of My Soul" compiled by Beatrice Bruteau

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”
- Dr. Seuss, humorist, illustrator, and author (1904-1991)

“What we are looking for on earth and in earth and in our lives is the process that can unlock for us the mystery of meaningfulness in our daily lives. It has been the best-kept secret down through the ages because it is so simple. Truly, the last place it would ever occur to most of us to find the sacred would be in the commonplace of our everyday lives and all about us in nature and in simple things.”
- Alice O. Howell, "The Dove in the Stone"

“Expand your love, your consciousness, and your loving compassion by experiencing everything that everyone does or says as though you had done or said it.”
- Ken Keyes, "Handbook to Higher Consciousness"

“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
- Epictetus

“Doubting is not a sin. Nor does it denote a lack of faith. Lack of faith is a pure and simple disbelief. Doubting is an invitation to enter into the mystery more deeply, to go beyond the superficial.”
- John Aurelio, "Returnings"

“If there is existence, there must be non-existence. And if there was a time when nothing existed, there must have been a time before that - when even nothing did not exist. Suddenly, when nothing came into existence, could one really say whether it belonged to the category of existence or non-existence?”
- Chuang-Tzu

“ "Love as much as you can from wherever you are." This line is especially good to recall when you feel frightened, crazy, or have taken some bad dope. Write it on the wall of your room. You may not want to love what you feel or see, you may not be able to convince yourself that you could love it at all. But just decide to love it. Say out loud that you love it, even if you don't believe it. And say, "I love myself for hating this.”
- Thaddeus Golas, "The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment"

“If you can control your tongue,
you've got it licked.”
- Reverend R Clark

“Those who of old were good practitioners of Tao did not use it to make people bright, but rather used it to make them simple.”
- Lao Tzu

“You thought, as a boy, that a mage is one who can do anything. So I thought once. So did we all. And the truth is at as a man's real power grows and his knowledge widens, ever the way he can follow grows narrower: until at last he chooses nothing, but does only and wholly what he must do.”
- Ursula K. LeGuin

“As some of you will evolve in your lives to be healers, let me remind you that there are some souls that do not wish to be healed. "You must be healed," is so often the message that is given with the healing. No, they must not be healed, only if they want to [be healthy]. And you are not the authority on that. Do not inflict your will. Just give Love. The soul will take that love and put it where it can best be used.”

“[I am asked] Can people heal others by the laying on of hands?

[To which I respond] Through the connection of two or more who are gathered in the name of Truth and Light, the love force enters and alters the body chemistry and energy systems of the one who is ill. It only takes two, with love and openness and trust, to create remarkable circumstances – two and the Divine Spirit.”
- "Emmanuel’s Book: A Manual for Living Comfortably in the Cosmos" Rodegast, Pat and Stanton, Judith [Compiled by] Friend’s Press, 1985, p. 166

“He who wants to do good, knocks at the gate; he who loves finds the gates open”
- Sir Rabindranath Tagore Thakur (1861-1941)

“Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler.”

“When the solution is simple, God is answering.”

“I know quite certainly that I myself have no special talent; curiosity, obsession and dogged endurance, combined with self-criticism, have brought me to my ideas.”
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955, German-born American Physicist, Person of the 20th Century) “Generally speaking, generalities are too general to be of use&”

“Beyond seeing, it is invisible.
Beyond hearing, it is inaudible.
Beyond touching, it is intangible.
These three are beyond resolution.
So they join and become One.
Viewed from above,it does not reflect.
Viewed from below, it does not obscure.
It goes on endlessly without name and returns to the realm beyond things.
This is called the formless form.
The invisible image.
This is called elusive.
Follow it, it has no back.
Meet it, it has no front.
Hold onto the Way of the present to manage the affairs of now, and to know the ancient beginnings.
This is called the thread of the Tao.”

“Essentially all things are the same, yet they do not exist.... this is only because people differ in condition and capacity, some high level and mature while others are low level and wanting.... Look at yourself and see what your capacities are. Do not be unsettled in mind and will.”

“Differentiation is the primordial expression of the universe. In the fiery violence of some billions of degrees of heat, the original energy dispersed itself through vast regions of space not as some homogeneous smudge or jellylike substance, but as radiation and as differentiated particles eventually distributed through a certain sequence of elements, manifesting an amazing variety of qualities. These were further shaped into galactic systems composed of highly individuated starry oceans of fire.”

“Everywhere we find this differentiating process taking place. In our own solar system, within the sequence of planets, we find the planet Earth taking shape as the most highly differentiated reality we know about in the entire universe. Life on planet Earth finds expression in an overhwelming variety of manifestations. So, too, with the human: as soon as we appear, we immediately give to human existence multiple modes of expression. These themselves change through the centuries.”
- Thomas Berry, p 45

“We can reduce the flowers to the atoms or the atoms to the flowers. There are no atoms that are just atoms, no flowers that are just flowers. There is no earth without the human; no human without the earth. Any other earth or any other human is a pure abstraction.”
- Thomas Berry, p 92

Reality - the Holographic Universe: "The Universe as a Hologram Does Objective Reality Exist, Or Is the Universe a Phantasm?"

03/16/97. This file was posted as REALITY.ASC on the KeelyNet BBS on February 24, 1991. Accessed 13AUG2K4.

“The "whole in every part" nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has labored under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts.

A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made; we will only get smaller wholes.

This insight suggested to Bohm another way of understanding Aspect's discovery. Bohm believes the reason subatomic particles are able to remain in contact with one another regardless of the distance separating them is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion. He argues that at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something.”

“Everything interpenetrates everything, and although human nature may seek to categorize and pigeonhole and subdivide, the various phenomena of the universe, all apportionments are of necessity artificial and all of nature is ultimately a seamless web.”

“At its deeper level reality is a sort of superhologram in which the past, present, and future all exist simultaneously.”

“An impressive body of evidence suggests that the brain uses holographic principles to perform its operations.”

“Researchers have discovered, for instance, that our visual systems are sensitive to sound frequencies, that our sense of smell is in part dependent on what are now called "osmic frequencies", and that even the cells in our bodies are sensitive to a broad range of frequencies. Such findings suggest that it is only in the holographic domain of consciousness that such frequencies are sorted out and divided up into conventional perceptions. But the most mind-boggling aspect of Pribram's holographic model of the brain is what happens when it is put together with Bohm's theory. For if the concreteness of the world is but a secondary reality and what is "there" is actually a holographic blur of frequencies, and if the brain is also a hologram and only selects some of the frequencies out of this blur and mathematically transforms them into sensory perceptions, what becomes of objective reality?

Put quite simply, it ceases to exist. As the religions of the East have long upheld, the material world is Maya, an illusion, and although we may think we are physical beings moving through a physical world, this too is an illusion.

We are really "receivers" floating through a kaleidoscopic sea of frequency, and what we extract from this sea and transmogrify into physical reality is but one channel from many extracted out of the superhologram. This striking new picture of reality, the synthesis of Bohm and Pribram's views, has come to be called the holographic paradigm, and although many scientists have greeted it with skepticism, it has galvanized others. A small but growing group of researchers believe it may be the most accurate model of reality science has arrived at thus far. More than that, some believe it may solve some mysteries that have never before been explainable by science and even establish the paranormal as a part of nature. Numerous researchers, including Bohm and Pribram, have noted that many para-psychological phenomena become much more understandable in terms of the holographic paradigm.”

“The holographic paradigm also has implications for so-called hard sciences like biology. Keith Floyd, a psychologist at Virginia Intermont College, has pointed out that if the concreteness of reality is but a holographic illusion, it would no longer be true to say the brain produces consciousness. Rather, it is consciousness that creates the appearance of the brain as well as the body and everything else around us we interpret as physical.

Such a turnabout in the way we view biological structures has caused researchers to point out that medicine and our understanding of the healing process could also be transformed by the holographic paradigm. If the apparent physical structure of the body is but a holographic projection of consciousness, it becomes clear that each of us is much more responsible for our health than current medical wisdom allows. What we now view as miraculous remissions of disease may actually be due to changes in consciousness which in turn effect changes in the hologram of the body. Similarly, controversial new healing techniques such as visualization may work so well because in the holographic domain of thought images are ultimately as real as "reality".”

“Perhaps we agree on what is "there" or "not there" because what we call consensus reality is formulated and ratified at the level of the human unconscious at which all minds are infinitely interconnected. If this is true, it is the most profound implication of the holographic paradigm of all, for it means that experiences such as Watson's are not commonplace only because we have not programmed our minds with the beliefs that would make them so. In a holographic universe there are no limits to the extent to which we can alter the fabric of reality.”

“Indeed, even our most fundamental notions about reality become suspect, for in a holographic universe, as Pribram has pointed out, even random events would have to be seen as based on holographic principles and therefore determined. Synchronicities or meaningful coincidences suddenly makes sense, and everything in reality would have to be seen as a metaphor, for even the most haphazard events would express some underlying symmetry.” <> and <>

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